Queenstown Bridge Club Lessons

Learn a new skill, make new friends, and discover a challenging new hobby.

We offer lessons each year for new players, beginners, and club members seeking to improve their game. Bridge Lessons are for Bridge Improvers as well

Lessons for 2024


Commencing Thursday April 4th, 2024


Ten lessons


6pm to 9 pm


Queenstown Events Centre - Mezzanine Meeting Room (Upstairs)


$120 for new players, payable when lessons start.


Current Queenstown Bridge Club members are invited to attend lessons free.


Under the tutelage of a skilled, lively teacher, supported by club volunteers, you will receive instruction, individual help, and playing opportunities. Regular handouts will be provided to help you learn key skills, and your first year of Queenstown Bridge Club membership is included.

Come with a partner, or on your own, and we will find you a partner.

After completing the series of ten lessons, you will feel comfortable playing at either of our regular club events, on Friday 1.00 pm to 4.00 pm (ideal for
beginners) or Tuesday 6.45 pm to 10.30 pm (more competitive).
For further information or to register, please contact our

Lessons Convenor,

Lynnette McLennan     Email: lynnettemclennan63@gmail.com