Bidding Tip #3
When RHO uses Stayman and you are in fourth hand and have five or six clubs headed by 2 touching honours or the Ace, double to alert your partner you want a club lead against any eventual contract.
A double of an artificial bid is called a lead directing double.
You hold: ♠xxx ♥xx ♦xxx ♣AKJxx
North | East |
South |
West |
1NT | Pass | 2♣ | ? |
Double. You want a club lead.
Do not double with clubs looking like this: Kxxxxx unless you Leo Duyvestyn !
Also use the lead-directing double when the opponents go through Ace asking. If the response to 4♣ or 4NT is a suit you want led, double!
Important! You hold: ♠xx ♥xxx ♦KQ10x ♣xxxx
West | North |
East |
South (you) |
1♠ | Pass | 2♥ | Pass |
3♠ | Pass | 3♠ | Pass |
4NT | Pass | 5♦ | ? |
Double 5♦ to alert partner you want a diamond lead against an eventual spade contract. At the four level or higher a double of an artificial bid can be made with a strong three or four card suit eg KQx(x). If you don't double 5♦, partner is likely to take the inference that you didn't want a diamond lead.
Posted: Fri 10 Jul 2015